Page Pets & MySpace Layouts
And you guys thought I was dead or something....
For those of you who are not aware, my youngest daughter is now in PPCD and Pre-K. She is doing quite nicely and enjoying being around her classmates. I visited with her teacher Monday and hope that she remains friendly. I hope to have an allie instead of a force of nature.
My father tried to start school again this fall at Texas A & M at Commerce. He however, dropped out because of finanical worries. Why aren't we subsidising education for more needy individuals.
I am also myself returning to the education sector. I hope that after two more years of recovery time, some more professional development, and a master's degree that I am still marketable.
I am also newly married. My wife's name is Leslie Allison Smythe-Hume. We have been married a month and have a new baby girl, whose picture I will post very soon.
With much adieu, I bid you each farewell for this evening's addition.
My father tried to start school again this fall at Texas A & M at Commerce. He however, dropped out because of finanical worries. Why aren't we subsidising education for more needy individuals.
I am also myself returning to the education sector. I hope that after two more years of recovery time, some more professional development, and a master's degree that I am still marketable.
I am also newly married. My wife's name is Leslie Allison Smythe-Hume. We have been married a month and have a new baby girl, whose picture I will post very soon.
With much adieu, I bid you each farewell for this evening's addition.
The puppet of Eminem--he's funny, but he is sure working my nerves!
I noticed something on t.v. the other day that I caught myself laughing at. Everyone likes Eminem, the rapper, right? Well he has a puppet that he puts in some of his videos and "promotional materials," named "Special ed". He is supposed to be funny because he is constantly gleeful when something "funny" happens.
But I no longer find Eminem funny. As a matter of fact, this damn puppet is damn right offensive. As a former special educator, it was my job to be "positive" constantly. Believe me, having to treat 4th graders like they were in preschool, constantly having to stretch a smile across my face killed me. "Research based best practices" according to my mentor, Mrs. Marth Vincent at the Regiion VIII Education Service Center.
Yet, sometimes, I wanted to hang my head and cry. My first year was so damn difficult, made more difficult by veteran teachers because of literal professional jealousy. No, I wasn't educated to become a special educator--but then again, it wasn't much of a stretch.
I believe that much this sickening positivity is only being practiced in Northeast Texas. I read constantly another blog that makes me a little jaded, even though my friend Janet Morrison, who subsequently writes one of my favorite blogs,, doesn't mean to make me cynical.
So yeah, Special Ed, kind of works my nerves, in the way that white folks in black face might offend Al Sharpton. But then again, I'm just a sourpuss.....
But I no longer find Eminem funny. As a matter of fact, this damn puppet is damn right offensive. As a former special educator, it was my job to be "positive" constantly. Believe me, having to treat 4th graders like they were in preschool, constantly having to stretch a smile across my face killed me. "Research based best practices" according to my mentor, Mrs. Marth Vincent at the Regiion VIII Education Service Center.
Yet, sometimes, I wanted to hang my head and cry. My first year was so damn difficult, made more difficult by veteran teachers because of literal professional jealousy. No, I wasn't educated to become a special educator--but then again, it wasn't much of a stretch.
I believe that much this sickening positivity is only being practiced in Northeast Texas. I read constantly another blog that makes me a little jaded, even though my friend Janet Morrison, who subsequently writes one of my favorite blogs,, doesn't mean to make me cynical.
So yeah, Special Ed, kind of works my nerves, in the way that white folks in black face might offend Al Sharpton. But then again, I'm just a sourpuss.....
A Current Reading List--in case you're wondering what I do with all my free time....
What are you reading?
Here is my current (06/06/2008) booklist
A Primer for Roschach Interpretaton. Exner. Rorschach Workshops. copyright 2001.- A Rorschach Workbook For the Comprehensive System. Fifth Edtion. Exner et al. Rorschach Workshops. copyright 2001.
- Global terrorism. Lutz and Lutz. Routedge, copyright 2004
- Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners. The SIOP model. Third Edition. Echevarria, Vogt. & Short. ABLongman. copyright 2007.
- Racial and ethnic groups. Eighth Edition. Schaefer, R. Prenhall, copyright 2000..
- Sheltered Content Instruction Third Edition. Echevarria and Graves. ABLongman. copyright 2007.
- Theories of theories of mind. Carruthers and Smith. Cambridge, copyright 1996.
- Terrorism: Opposing viewpoints. Greenhaven Press., copyright 2008:
Updated Resume--what's happened since the bus stopped at the school corner.....
1039 CR NW 1080
(903)632-0072 OR (903)573-7930,
Have extensive background in abnormal psychology
Can speak some Spanish
Have computer experience as well as record keeping
Good with children of any age
Discipline style is firm but fair
Enjoy challenging situations
Can work as a team player, but especially behind the scenes
Effective as an advocate for students and parents
Work Experience
Special Education (EC-12) Expires (09/10/2010)
1039 CR NW 1080
(903)632-0072 OR (903)573-7930,
Have extensive background in abnormal psychology
Can speak some Spanish
Have computer experience as well as record keeping
Good with children of any age
Discipline style is firm but fair
Enjoy challenging situations
Can work as a team player, but especially behind the scenes
Effective as an advocate for students and parents
Work Experience
2007-2008 Self employed, Senior Consultant, Mary Kay Cosmetics
Position: Senior Consultant
Description: I run my own Mary Kay business, which entails talking to customers
of all persuasions, managing the day-today schedule of my assistant, ordering stock and
inventory, and developing leadership skills through mentoring of recruits
Fall 2007 Texas A & M University-Commerce
Position: Writing Tutor, Department of Literature and Languages
Description: Helping students who are in the first year writing program by guiding them
through the development of their writing skills, teaching "brainstorming" and "idea development" to undergrads- Spring 2007 Texas A & M University-Commerce
Position: Graduate Assistant, Department of Literature and Languages
Description: Was assistant to three faculty members, as well as helping instructors manage an online teaching environment. Assisted lead faculty member with development of curriculum for Organizational Behavior, Principles of Management, and Principles of Marketing. Assisted with grading both lecture and online assignments. Performed research under the guidance of faculty regarding management and organizational behavior. - 2006-2008 Sulphur Springs Independent School District
Position: Substitute Teaching
Description: Worked in a variety of classroom situations, including behavior and special education - 2005-2006 Pittsburg Independent School District
Position: Life Skills Teacher/Homebound Teacher
Description: Taught and supervised children with low incidence disabilities, adjusting instruction to meet each child’s individual needs, designed Local District Alternative Assessments (LDAA) for students who were required to be tested in reading, math, and writing activities, created lesson plans geared according to each student’s Individualized Education Programs (IEP), designed behavior programs for students with low incidence disabilities, Performed routine record keeping of both student progress and SHARS (School and Health Related Services) related activities, directed activities of the in-class aid and/ or nurses, provided assistive technology services, and adapted physical education instruction ; as homebound teacher, made sure students who were unable to attend school completed in-school assignments as well as adjusting instruction to meet each child’s individual needs - 2003-2004; Spring of 2005 Mount Pleasant Independent School District
Position: Long-term substitute, student teacher
Description: Performed instruction in the absence of
Regular instructor or assistant; became familiar with
Behavior and discipline policies of larger school
District; came to campuses prepared for any and all
Instructional situations; Student taught in Life Skills
Classroom in functional academics, content mastery,
Severe and profound - 2002-2003 At Home Healthcare
Position: Provider
Description: Performed personal care tasks for elderly and people with disabilities, included cleaning, laundry, meal preparation and assistance with personal care, also provided personal companionship - 2001-2002 Hospitality House
Position: PRN/Mental health technician
Description: Worked in many capacities in the facility, including nurse’s assisting (mental health technician), teaching and social services (rehabilitation technician); had experience with a behavior program; assisted clients with activities of daily living (ADLs), wrote some personal care plans and did routine record keeping - 2001-2002 Citadel Security
Position: Non-commissioned Security Officer
Description: Monitored the gate of the Winfield South Mine (TXU), greeted visitors at front gate, kept watch for fires and accidents, monitored rainfall and number of trains going and leaving the facility; also measure temperature with a thermometer - 1995-1996 Northeast Texas Community College newspaper The Eagle
Position: Student reporter
Description: Reported and wrote news and feature
Stories concerning college and surrounding community;
Took photographs; did proofreading and paste-up
Volunteer Experience
Safe-T Crisis Center- Battered Women’s Shelter and Sexual Assault Program
Cypress Basin Hospice
Fairview Cemetery Association
I AM SPECIAL Too,-organization for students with special needs
State Board of Educator Certification
Special Education (EC-12) Expires (09/10/2010)
Texas Commission on Private Security
Professional Development
- Attended training on PDAS evaluation system at Region 8
- Attended T. R. I. P. I Academy for teachers of students with low-incidence disabilities
- Received training on adapted physical education
- Received training on Autism
- Sat on Student Intervention Team at Pittsburg Primary for students at-risk of being referred for special education because of academic failure, low performance or behavior
- Served as a mentor in-class to undergraduates seeking teacher certification in bilingual/ESL
Publications; Presentations
Collaborated on a study with a teacher from Greenville Independent School District on therapy animals and their use with children; Tentatively scheduled for publication- Presented Bilingual/ESL and Special Education in the Digital Age. This is a learning concept developed for students identified for both bilingual/ESL and special education. Based on the Sheltered Instruction Observaton Protocol and Universal Design for Learning. My concept will be called "Universal Design for Sheltered Instruction". Going to use this as I apply to the doctoral program for higher education
- Texas A & M University-Commerce
Master’s of Science
Major: Reading
Specialization: English as a Second Language
Scheduled graduation date: May 2011 - Texas A & M University-Commerce
Master's of Education
Major: Elementary Education Minor: Special Education
Scheduled graduation date: May 2010 - Texas A & M University-Commerce
Bachelor’s of Science in Criminal Justice
Major: Criminal Justice
Graduated: May 2001 - Texas A & M University-Commerce
Bachelor’s of Science
Major: Psychology Minor: Sociology
Graduated: May 1998
Northeast Texas Community College - Associate of Science
Major: Social Work Minor: Applied Psychology
Graduated May 1996 - Sulphur Bluff Independent School District
High School Diploma
Graduated: May 1995
Future Plans
To teach in a Discipline Classroom
To design a good discipline program per the campus administration- To teach at least three years in a public school
- To become certified in EC-4 ESL
- To become certified in 4-8 English Language Arts and Reading
- To become an all-level Reading Specialist
- To obtain doctorate in Higher Education with a minor in criminology and educational psychology
- To open a not-for-profit ministry mentoring program for youth at-risk both academically and personally in my community
- References
Available on request
Simulation vs theories of theory of mind
Well, folks I am now three days into the semester. I am taking a doctoral level psychology, as well as a criminal justice class. I was going to take a reading class, but the drive to Dallas was going to kill me and the gas is too expensive.
I am hearing a lot of folks are doing without this summer. Some have cut back on their use of utilites so that they can save greenbacks. Schools this year won't start until around the 25th of August because of the rising energy costs to the state. You know what would help this budget with the state? Eliminate the governor's salary!
A friend of mine wrote a blog about the state of education in the US. His question--are schools really failing? My answer: Yes. We fail not only our teachers and students, but our parents and communities. Our state ranks right in the middle of the list of poor performing schools. Imagine, the president comes from our state and we have low performing schools!
But let's place the blame on everyone where it belongs. Bill Clinton was actually the first president who pushed for the now infamous NCLB legislation. The Democrat party are actually the folks calling for teachers to be "highly qualifeid." This crappy piece of legislation is actually bi-partisan.
I am hearing a lot of folks are doing without this summer. Some have cut back on their use of utilites so that they can save greenbacks. Schools this year won't start until around the 25th of August because of the rising energy costs to the state. You know what would help this budget with the state? Eliminate the governor's salary!
A friend of mine wrote a blog about the state of education in the US. His question--are schools really failing? My answer: Yes. We fail not only our teachers and students, but our parents and communities. Our state ranks right in the middle of the list of poor performing schools. Imagine, the president comes from our state and we have low performing schools!
But let's place the blame on everyone where it belongs. Bill Clinton was actually the first president who pushed for the now infamous NCLB legislation. The Democrat party are actually the folks calling for teachers to be "highly qualifeid." This crappy piece of legislation is actually bi-partisan.
After another long bout of silence
Well, folks, I am here again after another long bout of silence. I now have three kids--including my daughter's biological mother. She wanted to stay connected to her baby, and she has never known the woman that was her mother.
I have long since stepped up to the plate of being a mother. I enjoy my children's play and their lives.
Yet, I wonder what has happened to play in real life. We as adults have forgotten about play. I am wondering why there is such an emphasis placed on academics that places all children, including college aged children, in chairs. I like to have a classroom where the students get up and move.
And people wonder why the world looks at our incidence of obesity. We are one of the few countries in the world where the citizenry is literally dying of gluttony. The only other incidence I know is in Leviticus in the Bible, where the Isrealites, after being released from bondage in Egypt, were whining about the dull, "boring" manna and longed for the days where they had onions, pickles, and meat. As if the bread that the manna literally was wasn't enough.
Yet, the Israelites were on the move, every day. And on one day of the week, they rested. And they played. This is a sabbath for them. We need to give our own children a sabbatical from TAKS.
Until next time, America.
I have long since stepped up to the plate of being a mother. I enjoy my children's play and their lives.
Yet, I wonder what has happened to play in real life. We as adults have forgotten about play. I am wondering why there is such an emphasis placed on academics that places all children, including college aged children, in chairs. I like to have a classroom where the students get up and move.
And people wonder why the world looks at our incidence of obesity. We are one of the few countries in the world where the citizenry is literally dying of gluttony. The only other incidence I know is in Leviticus in the Bible, where the Isrealites, after being released from bondage in Egypt, were whining about the dull, "boring" manna and longed for the days where they had onions, pickles, and meat. As if the bread that the manna literally was wasn't enough.
Yet, the Israelites were on the move, every day. And on one day of the week, they rested. And they played. This is a sabbath for them. We need to give our own children a sabbatical from TAKS.
Until next time, America.
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